Thursday, September 15, 2016

What Your 1st Grader Needs to Know Math Summary

1) patterns
2) addition/subtraction with objects (***+**=*****)
3) ordering (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)
4) block numbers (1 square = 1; a stack of 10 squares =10; a block of 100 squares = 100)
5) adding and subtracting the block numbers
6) counting to 100 by 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s
7) know what a dozen is
8) greater than/less than
9) one number more than a number; one less than, 5 less than a number is, etc
10) graphs
11) fractions
12) addition/subtraction facts to 12
13) different ways of writing an equation (stacking verses lateral)
14)addition/subtraction with dice
15) adding 3 numbers
16) difference between two numbers
17) greater than/less than equations (10-2>6; 6-4<5-1; 5+3? 6+2)
18) fact families
19) mystery number (5+ ? = 9)
20) addition/subtraction stories
21) fill in a 100s table
22) 2 digit addition/subtraction
23) recognize/add/subtract money
24) identify flat, shapes (how many sides and vertices)
25) know that when two shapes are the same size and shape they are called congruent
26) recognize a sphere, cone, cube, cylinder
27) measurement
28) calendar
29) telling time

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